Friday, July 30, 2010

NEW! Her Secret Garden.Net

Her Secret Garden Tea Room and Gift Shop Goes Global with Website Launch

I-SYTES, Inc, designed and launched Rockwall's Her Secret Garden's first new website, which provides details about the location, reservation forms for private events to listing our daily menu with prices.

Her Secret Garden Tea Room and Gift Shop Website
"The website also has a quick sign up form for those local patrons and tourists to receive information on special offers, tea tastings, news and features related to the Tea Room,” said Adrienne Hill, creative owner of I-SYTES, Inc. “The website also includes a unique reservation form for those who would like to have a private tea party. Or an opportunity to have specific food served at their special event. We think the guests will love the interaction and personalization."

We will send out press releases to our local papers and invitations to our patrons to encourage them of the new exciting changes.

I believe that promoting the Tea Room online will give business and our local residents more information. This will ensure that the tea room and gift shop will also tap into the growing internet market. Especially, for those that are doing searches online for event theme ideas, brides looking to do something small for their bridal shower, private catering in a southern charm venue or a spot to go with your girls for brunch during the week.

Research proves that people are looking for affordable eateries to go where they serve their favorite foods to the hospitality. By being more open online to share our menu, our location and offer special incentives are things that new patrons will be more likely to come out for brunch, lunch or afternoon tea.

"Being online will be more convenient for those that are looking for specific service to being in the mood for afternoon tea. Her Secret Garden is listed on several directories such as the Urban Spoon, Insider Pages, Tea Map and Tea Guides. In this generation, people use the internet for just about everything, specifically for directions, contact info, menu and price listings; eventually, Her Secret Garden won't stay a secret anymore..." said Adrienne. "For the most part in speaking with Diane about what she was looking for in a website. It was more about the love that she has for people. And she wanted to promote a place where those who have heavy burdens could come, eat and rest. To just be in a place where you can feel at peace. A place where you feel invited and not just another patron like at a drive-thru fast food joint."

The website has been designed to be not just an online brochure. I am hoping to be able to keep our patrons constantly updated with Her Secret Garden news, reviews, new menu items and also related offers and special events. It doesn’t matter whether you are a tea lady or are looking for the latest offer, the website really will be a great way to interact with our patrons in Rockwall.

When I first saw this site I was really impressed! We really believe more and more people are looking online for this type of information and we intend to promote our special offers on the website and through our email blasts. It’s great to see such a professional looking website in Rockwall, Texas. Even though, we have had a couple of physical address changes I believe that the website will give people the right direction to find us in the historic district.

When asked about the future success of Her Secret Garden Tea Room and Gift Shop...well, I am pleased to say that we have an exciting future ahead of us. I believe that God has great plans for our future and I see that we will be used in a greater way as a place for our local ministries, small groups, Red Hat Society members and other types to use our venue as a place to meet for brunch, lunch, private catering to afternoon tea. We will be expanding our kitchen for the increase as well as adding new daily menu items to special gift sales.

For those reading, please leave your comments and join our email database by clicking here . We want to hear from our beloved patrons to share their experience so that we can post them online for others to read.

God Bless,
Diane Palermo
Owner of Her Secret Garden Tea Room and Gift Shop

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